Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Listen to Peter talking about how he learned to speak English fluently. Before listening read the
instructions and then do the quiz.

English Success Story  (

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Hi kids we're back again. It has been a really niece week. Most of you have greeted teachers a classmates, wishing a Happy New Year to ones and the others. Well it's my turn.

Make this New Year be one of the best ever.

I wish all my students a Happy New Year 2012!

Have you heard about New year's Resolutions?

Let's have a look at the definition from Cabridge Dictionaries Online.

(A New Year's Resolution is) a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year.

"Have you made any New Year's resolutions?" "Yes, I'm going to eat more healthily and give up smoking."
Have you ever made any New Year's resolutions? I'm absolutely sure you all have.
Is studying more among them?
Watch the video you'll find in the following link and then do the exercise below.
New Year's Resolutions (

Tell me about your promises and post a comment with at least two New Year's Resolutions of your own (don't copy the others and try to be original).
Useful expressions:   I plan to…
                                  I've promised myself to…
                                  I'm going to...
                                  I intend to...

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Monday, January 9, 2012


Listen to the conversation by clicking on the "Play Audio" button and answer the questions. Click the "Final Score" button to check your quiz.

Spending Money (from

Now listen again and fill in the blanks.

Spending Money II

Now try this one. Paul and Katia discuss the difficulty of lending money to friends. Remember you will find the exercises on the right hand side of the screen (Quiz 1 and Quiz 2).

Friends and Money (from

And yet another one. In this Audio Slide Quiz you will listen to Anita discussing things she wastes money on and how to prevent it. Before listening read the instructions carefully.

Wasting Money (from

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